Beauty | Fashion | Lifestyle

Sunday 19 April 2015


Top - fits.
Trousers - Forever 21
Shoes - Korkys
Watch - New Look 
Beanie - fits.
Necklace - H&M

Sorry that these posts have been all over the place, trying my best to get back on track of this thing! 


Thursday 2 April 2015

Home Made Dog Biscuits!

Something a little differant for the blog tonight! I spent a portion of my day making some home made biscuits for the troops (approved by Missy in the last picture). I messed around with a few differant dog cookie receipes to match what I thought would suit my bundle of dogs the best :) This is the receipe I used!

1 Cup of Self Raising Flour
1/2 Cup of Coconut
1/2 Cup of Smooth Peanut Butter (or crunchy)
2tblspn of Apple Sauce
1/2 Cup of Milk
1/2 Cup of Oats

I  just popped all the dry ingredients in a bowl first, then added the milk and peanut butter and gave it a good mix. I then rolled it out and used my little doggy biscuit cutters, popped it in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes and thats it! 
Super easy and healthy treats for your fur babies :)

Enjoy! xo

© Courtney Jade

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